Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
The venue: A classroom not far, far away..
The victims: Yours truly and his roommate
After a night of watching arbitrary crap on the computer which serves no purpose other than to reduce the unfortunate subjects to sleep-walking zombies during the day, me and my roommate hit our first class for the day: at 9 AM. The lecturer is not taking the class, he just sits among the students while one of us conducts a seminar. Today being the day of unfortunate justices, he chooses the empty spot on the bench, beside us. But does the stimulus of a teacher sitting next to us prevent us from recapturing the lost experiences of sleep? Not at all... he was the first to get caught, me having used him at the time to hide my sleep-craving self from the teacher's eyes. He was told to wash his face, and coming back, the betrayer decides to take me down with him by sitting in the other corner of the classroom. There is no one between me and the lecturer. Does that stop me? Really... be serious
In my laughing classsmates' words, I dozed my way to heavenly glory while he managed to keep himself up for the hour by laughing at the precious sight and trying to simili my incessant nodding to harmonic functions, and the quick-return mechanism of a mechanical crank. The honourable person seated next to me, was thankfully oblivious to his knocked out neighbour, and intently listening to the seminar.
More adventures await me in the coming days, I'm sure, but I wonder why danger is my companion after a good night's sleeplessness
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I always told myself that once I have enough spare time at my hands, once I am free, I can start doing stuff that I always wanted to do, but could never pursue in its entirety. Read a lot of books, learn another language, improve my quizzing skills, the lot. Now I am in a position to do whatever I want. And what have I done?
What I embarked upon is a creative and spontaneous process of time wastage. Free time is generally spent lying in bed wondering what to do. I have little academic pressure, but find it hard to keep up because of the nasty habit of postponing things. If there is a thing that has to be done, it can wait. Hell, I wanted to write a blog on this for two months!!
I personally happen to love reading. I have a computer right in my hostel room with tons of e-books on it. But the reading just does not happen. It is a bit of a game here, a bit of a tv show there, a bit of porn on the side, and wow, the day is over. It so happened that I went home for the weekend and read the first four books of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in 3 days. I started off with the fifth book, and it was time to get back to college. And that was that. Its been a month. I have the same book in my hostel room computer. But why read when you can do much more 'fun' stuff? And at the end of the day, its the end of the day.
It all boils to the present moment. We are facing our end semester exams now. I had an exam today, and I have an exam two days later. The plan was to come to the Computer Centre (Since its hot as a frying pan here, and the CC has AC) and study for our next exam. And here we are folks, me and my friend, writing blogs for the world to read, on the very felony I am committing now. Maybe public self-criticism is the only way to rectify the situation.