Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The advantages and disadvatages of working under a looming deadline become apparent at the point where you find yourself with so many things to do in such a short while, that you start wondering where to begin, or just give it all up and write a blog about it. The second choice comes to me automatically, I must say, though the guilt of having a deadline whoosh by you is quite overwhelming. The brain, when bombarded with stimuli to the point where each task to be done seems like pixels in an interestingly pointillised artwork, resorts to curling up in a virtual foetal position, with the cerbrum tucked firmly between the two lobes of the medulla oblongata. This position, causes the mind to play repetitive hallucinations which pertain to shifting the tasks at hand to a later deadline. The acceptance to this solution causes the brain to revert back to its original position, hopefully with no haemorrhages, until the process repeats again at the next deadline. Trust me, I do it every single day.

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